14 April 2008

Second class comes online

Writing for Social Change is now online at UCLA Extension, and I've logged on and made the first student post.

I've looked at the syllabus, and it's got full of things to do on not only writing, but marketing the writings to an audience. I am even required to submit an assignment where I write from a social cause completely opposite mine; here comes my own Washington Times editorial!

In my self-introduction to the class, I compared my "shut up and obey" Confucio-Christian upbringing to Gayle's "stand up and be heard" upbringing, and hoped that her upbringing and attitude would give me an inspiration. I sincerely hope so.

I will be super-busy taking two classes and working, but I'm looking forward to everything.

Update: A classmate just logged on - turns out to be one of the classmates from my last class with Gayle. And I have a feeling a few other ex-classmates may join again. This will indeed be a very fun class.

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