15 November 2005

The Dinner Scene - Finished

It's early morning Wednesday the 16th, but by the time I actually get on the Net and post this in the blog, it will be Friday the 18th. Two all-day trips to the southern coast of the Korean peninsula will prevent me from using the Net today and tomorrow.

I have at last finished my dinner scene with Sarah, which takes place in early 2007 in London, England. Being jet-lagged in Seoul is a good thing, allowing me to do work on my writing projects instead of trying in vain to go to sleep.

I won't be posting the actual scene in public spaces; it will only be shared with the people I already know in the writing community. But it was a good exercise allowing me to explore not only Sarah, but myself, as well.

The most important thing Sarah and I agreed on was that the two of us were making history in our societies. Sarah was making history by being the protagonist of my novel, and allowing the world to see a different side of the transgender experience. I will be making history by running a business here in Korea - where until now, transgender people have been limited to nightclub and sex industry jobs due to extremely rampant discrimination.

Otherwise, Sarah got a chance to vent to me about her experiences, from her own experiences here in Seoul during her flight attendant years, to a visit to a disgusting sperm bank that I made her make. She of course noted that I had too many similarities to her spouse Kirsten. We also discussed my common ground with Sarah herself - from Sarah's first international flight back in 1999 (which I happened to fly on!) to Sarah's fashion sense (which I share).

I look forward to writing another scene to be actually inserted into the novel, as soon as I return to the US.

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