21 May 2008

Old news but...

I don't think Sarah was too happy about this.

When United's finances improved, late last year it paid out dividends to shareholders. Unions, including Association of Flight Attendants (which represents Sarah), balked, citing the sacrifices made by the rank-and-file in reviving the company and its reputation.

Even though I've been very loyal to United as a customer, I've never been a fan of its management, and have always supported the rank-and-file employees, who have been very good to me almost all the time. I sincerely believe Sarah and her coworkers deserve a better management than what CEO Glenn Tilton has delivered.


On another United Airlines related item, tonight is the 20th anniversary of my first-ever flight on United (or ANY airline for that matter). Time to put on Rhapsody in Blue and think about all the air travel I did over these 20 years.

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