27 August 2007

Back into the groove

My writing has been at a total standstill, and that's not good. I don't expect much in the way of improvements anytime soon, given my living situation. Even taking writing courses is too much for me to take; I really didn't enjoy my last class a year ago, due to personal commitments getting in the way.

To fight this, I decided that I will re-visit some novel-related sights in the Bay Area as I return there this weekend. I have a packed schedule, but the novel sights will be crammed into Labor Day morning, before I check out of my hotel and return south.

Sights I am considering are Skyline College and San Francisco International Airport.

In addition, Sunday morning will be spent at Sarah and Kirsten's Unitarian Church. Before getting there, I will briefly visit the Sausalito Art Festival, possibly a date venue for the two.

Looking forward to a new spark of inspirations!

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